
Finnish Metal Band Grimaces

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How did we become Irvikuvat?

The idea of Irvikuvat was first born in the mind of a drummer called Jussi. He scoured a webpage – – for players who would like to form a band with him. The first to answer the call for musicians was Johannes "Jii" Wallin. His fingers itched to play his six-string somewhere else than home, and this new collaboration could give Jii the possibility to do that.

Soon, Jii noticed, he had actually joined a band. At the time the band consisted of a guitarist, Arto, a bassist, Marko, and Jussi, who played the drums.

Irvikuvat 2nd chapter

The second chapter in the life of Irvikuvat started when Arto decided to leave the band, and the responsibility for composing was moved on Jiis shoulders. However, there was a gaping hole after Arto’s departure, so a new guitarist, Veikko, joined the group.

At this point a new singer, or should we say growler, also took the stage. He was a burly and sexy Pastori Kuri. For a while the band tried their wings performing music with English lyrics, but soon the language was changed to Finnish. This was the point when the Irvikuvat we know started to manifest itself. Marko was later replaced by Janne "Hasbullah" Halima and instead of Veikko, Christer "Professori" Niemi joined the band. It was also time for a second vocalist, and through a coincidence and a mutual friendship Jenna "Ruoska" Turpeinen joined the ranks.

Irvikuvat New Era

The new era of Irvikuvat started when Juha-Tapio "Antonio" Anttonen replaced Jussi as the drummer. Through the rough patches and changes, Irvikuvat is now in a new era with its six members: Jii, Pastori Kuri, Hasbullah, Professori, Ruoska and Antonio. Together, we are a travesty of man. We are Irvikuvat.

Irvikuvat New New Era

And so the story continues differently, again..

Ruoska was forced to leave the band via health issues, so we found ourselves,yeat again, without a female lead singer. It was our drummer Antonio, who was scanning the scene in the city one night and found our New member Rehtori Ruussa, from a smoke filled karaoke bar.

Ruussa came to our band rehearsals and blew our minds with her unique sound. A New member was found. Now The band IS forged in numerous live shows and our sound and performance is tight. New songs have submerged and we are going to the studio at the end of the year to give you three or four new Irvikuvat songs. And they are good.

The band is whole again.. So, the story continues..




Irvikuvat (2023)

  1. Intro
  2. Metsähauta
  3. Piilossa Pysyvä
  4. Et Tunne Surua
  5. Tytär
  6. Tanssivat Painajaiset
  7. Uusi Musta
  8. Aika Jatkaa Kulkuaan


Unen Jäljet Katoaa vol.1

  1. Tanssivat Painajaiset
  2. Uusi Musta
  3. Et Tunne Surua
  4. Aika Jatkaa Kulkuaan

Unen Jäljet Katoaa vol.2

  1. Intro
  2. Metsähauta
  3. Piilossa Pysyvä
  4. Tytär


Tanssivat Painajaiset (2023)

  1. Tanssivat Painajaiset

Piilossa Pysyvä (2023)

  1. Piilossa Pysyvä

Tuli Kulje Kanssani (2024)

  1. Tuli Kulje Kanssani



Past Gigs

  1. 1.2.2025 - Ihmistyramidi-kiertue /w Tyrantti, Monttu New Level, Pori
  2. 23.1.2025 - Emergenza-festival first round, Bar Kotelo, Tampere

  3. 9.11.2024 - Countless Goodbyes album release party, Kulttuuritalo Annis, Pori
  4. 5.10.2024 - Kalmantach/Miscreantics/Irvikuvat, Monkey Island Alavus
  5. 24.8.2024 - Metalli-iltamat, Lohiranta, Nakkila /w Kalmantach
  6. 17.8.2024 - Taiteiden Yö, Eetunaukio, Pori
  7. 19.7.2024 - Monttu New Level, Pori /w Solus
  8. 14.6.2024 - Karhun n' Kämmen Festivaali; Kulttuurikulma (Hyväntekeväisyystapahtuma), Pori
  9. 9.3.2024 - Karhunkämmen ry, hyväntekeväisyystapahtuma, Kulttuurikulma Pori
  10. 5.1.2024 - Bar 15 Street & Basement, Seinäjoki

  11. 28.10.2023 - Verstas Moottorikahvila, Nakkila /w Penniless
  12. 26.8.2023 - Korttifestarit 2023; Eetunaukio, Pori
  13. 11.8.2023 - Metalliehtoo; Moottorikahvila Verstas, Nakkila
  14. 10.6.2023 - Karhu n' Kämmen Festivaali; Kulttuurikulma (Hyväntekeväisyystapahtuma), Pori
  15. 22.4.2023 - Kulttuurikuppila Brummi, Rauma /w Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus

  16. 14.10.2022 - Meara Klubi; Kulttuurikulma, Pori
  17. 17.9.2022 - Korttelifestarit; Kauppatori, Pori

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